Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Typography Poster

Like the rest of my work, my typography poster is centered around sports. The main emotion I want to encourage in my poster is motivation. The background picture is the Vanderbilt baseball team celebrating their National Championship title in 2014. The celebratory emotion and motivational quote gives the vibe of achievement because of hard work.

By using a uniform font throughout the entire piece, I was able to play around with the thickness and color options. My decision to make the "Believe In Yourself" solid gold makes it stand out among the other white words and grey/blue blurred background. It also emphasizes the most important part of the quote, and draws attention to that phrase.

I think the most successful part to my piece is my background, because the emotion it captures is a perfect pair to the quote. I also like how clear it is despite the blur and pixelated/broken effect I put on it. To be honest, I get the chills of motivation when looking at this picture, it truly does its job!


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