Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bauhaus School of Design, 1919-1933

The origins of digital design may live in Weimar, Germany, but its new home is right here in America. This remarkable school of the arts was founded by Walter Groupius, in 1919 and crafted a new and unique curriculum for its students to learn. This included, "a utopian craft guild combining architecture, sculpture, and painting into a single creative expression" (Winton, The Metropolitan Museum of Art). Products that came out of the school included, furniture, jewelry, buildings, modern art and many more; the possibilities were endless. The Bauhaus changed the way the world saw art, all before the World War II era. From the Bauhaus emerged multiple well known artists, including Marcel Lajos Breuer, Herbert Bayer, and of course, Gropius. 

Marcel Lajos Breuer
DOB: May 21, 1902
DOD:  July 1, 1981

Breuer's work was focused in modern furniture. His furniture is can be simple in its design, or complex. All of his work is architectural and he is best known for his furniture. He also focused on the theory or International Furniture, where his most famous design The Wassily Chair No B3 (shown on the left) came from. Breuer worked with bended steel frames, which had never been seen before in               the architectural world of furniture before; he also worked with wood, seen in the chair in the right, later in his career. One element that stands out to me the most in Breuer's work is the shape of his work. He made abstract looking furniture, which is interesting to me.

                                                         Herbert Bayer
                                                               DOB: April 5, 1900
                                                            DOD: September 30, 1985

Bayer's work is .my favorite out of the three artists that we are studying. His work has sharp and vibrant color mixed with his interesting images grabs the viewer's attention. He is well known for abstract images, but he was also skilled in architecture, painting, sculpting and interior design, to name a few. Much of his work can be seen in magazines.The element of design that I like the most in Bayer's work is by far color. His pieces has rich and loud colors, which makes his work have an attention grabbing appearance.Bayer was the latest living Bauhaus mentor.


Walter Gropius
DOB:May 18, 1883
DOD: July 5, 1969

 Finally, the mind behind the Bauhaus, Walter Gropius. Groupis was skilled in multiple fields, but his strongest was architecture and design. His focus was primarily on designing buildings and designing interiors. However, he did work with typography as seen in the photo on the bottom right, for Bauhaus. He too, like Breuer, were the architecture masters of their time. The element I like the most about Gropius' designs is the space he has and uses in his artwork. He uses a lot of positive and negative space in his work which is really interesting to me. 


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