Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Big Three

Art can make an individual feel something; the emotion a piece of art may cause one to feel may not be uniform across the viewing audience. Not only can art make one feel something, it can also tell a story or deliver a message to an audience. The message art can display to an audience can be straight forward and convey a message that is the same for each viewer, or can convey a message that can be interpreted in multiple
Paula Scher

Scher's work stands out to me because if you look closely, her artwork is made of text, and text only. What is most intriguing to me is that she makes her designs in the shapes of states, countries, and seen above, continents. The work is sophisticated, and it has a continuous nature to it because it keeps your eye moving all over the page. Not only is Scher's work map themed, she has also done work designing logos for CNN, Citi Bank and the New York Ballet; and designed album covers for artists such as Boston, Lady Gaga and the New York Philharmonic.

James Victore

When I first saw Victore's artwork I felt a sense of sarcasm and wittiness in some pieces of art, such as the piece above. Some of his pieces are very scratchy and incorporates text in a free form. Other pieces of art Victore creates are touchy subjects that are usually censored in todays society, but he still does not disappoint to create them.  However, some of his works are related to current affairs including this work about nuclear warfare.

 Victore's work can vary from funny, to sophisticated, to witty and even serious. He captures the attention audiences with pieces that forces the question, "Why on earth did he create this?" to come up. His work can be simple, one line designs, or complex text and scribble designs. After observing and analyzing his artwork, I slowly catch myself becoming a fan of  his "against-the-grain" and sarcastic style.


Setphan Sagmeister

Sagermeister's work is unlike the other works observed because he incorporates all three elements of art the previous artists do not use. His work uses typography, design, and photography in creative ways. Some of his posters were made specifically for subways in NYC, but most of his work is design based and exhibited in museums and galleries. 

Most of Sagermeister's work has actual photographs with design edited onto it, but some work like
the work below is completely digital. His artwork portrays a feeling of seriousness but also some sophistication. His work is very well known, but like Victore's work, censored because of the nature of the work he produces.


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