Friday, May 13, 2016

Dangerous Dingers

The mood of my piece is exciting; the commentary of the announcer, the vibrant color and the atmosphere of the scene. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pittsburgh & The Penguins

Inspired by the wonderful city of Pittsburgh (where I will be attending college net year) and my love of baseball, this image was made in photoshop to create the illusion of an event that actually happened. Although adorable penguins did not take over the Pittsburgh skyline, this image gives the impression that it did. Making this image may look complicated, but all it consists of is layers upon layers of clipped photos. Using layer masks, clipping masks, hue/saturations, filters, brushes, and lasso tools (just to name a few) were all used to reach this final image.

Below is the panel of layers that were in my image;

Image one                                                                                         Image two


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Typography Poster

Like the rest of my work, my typography poster is centered around sports. The main emotion I want to encourage in my poster is motivation. The background picture is the Vanderbilt baseball team celebrating their National Championship title in 2014. The celebratory emotion and motivational quote gives the vibe of achievement because of hard work.

By using a uniform font throughout the entire piece, I was able to play around with the thickness and color options. My decision to make the "Believe In Yourself" solid gold makes it stand out among the other white words and grey/blue blurred background. It also emphasizes the most important part of the quote, and draws attention to that phrase.

I think the most successful part to my piece is my background, because the emotion it captures is a perfect pair to the quote. I also like how clear it is despite the blur and pixelated/broken effect I put on it. To be honest, I get the chills of motivation when looking at this picture, it truly does its job!


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Typography Intro

Typography skills are important to have, especially in a design class; our newest assignment was to type a word and make it look how it means. So loud has to be loud, quiet has to be quiet, etc...
Here's what I came up with.

Why this is Loud:
1. The colors of hot pink against the yellow make it pop and in-your face.
2. All capital letters.
3. The font is bold and lacks sharp edges, so it is not sophisticated or elegant.
4. The spikes behind the text were the original text but had a warped effect, making it edgy.
5. The white border helps it pop so it doesn't blent into the background.

Why this is Quiet:
1. The color choice of the pastel blue against the white lettering is soothing.
2. The font is open so it is not chunky.
3. The placement of the text is at the bottom which does not draw a lot of attention to it.
4. It is not busy, it is really simple. 
5. The text is all lower case letters.

Why this is Camo: (My personal favorite)
1. The pattern of the background is busy to the viewers' eye. 
2. The font is large but you cannot see a clear outline of the text.
3. The text goes against the grain of the background pattern, which blends.
4. There is no border.
5. The dot size on the background is smaller than the dots inside the text. 

Why this is Active:
1. The text flows with the twist.
2. The colors remind me of the vivid color of work out clothing.
3. The text has depth. 
4. It moves across the page, as if it is running away.
5. The pattern is uniform and moves across the page also.

Why this is Stable:
1. The text is strong.
2. It is right in the middle of the page.
3. The color stands out on its own behind the white background. 
4. I purposely made the background wild and unstable to emphasize 'stable.'
5. The complimentary colors of Blue and Orange make it strong.

Why this is Implied:
1. Implied means that something is suggested but it is not direct, so the text is behind the pattern. It is there but not THERE,
2. The color of the text is opposite to the pattern color.
3. The text is hiding behind the pattern.
4. The text is all lowercase.
5. The text is sophisticated, and polished. 


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Senior T-Shirt Design!

Graduation is right around the corner, which means it's time for class t-shirts! Our given task was to create a t-shirt that expresses the emotion of graduation. My focus was to create a t-shirt that captures the emotion of celebration as the graduating class prepares to move onto the new chapter of their lives. A few clues that drop hints for what the logo is for was the balloons, which are usually associated with celebrating. Along with that hint, I also included the graduate with diploma in hand with the other graduation caps in the air in a celebratory fashion. These were the three main clues that hint to my theme of celebration. As a member of the graduating class, this would be a GREAT t-shirt to wear and cherish!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Senior T-Shirt Brainstorm

It's that time of year again, GRADUATION!! And I cannot believe I'll be a graduate this year! Time honestly flies. T-shirt design brainstorm, any further ideas?


Friday, February 26, 2016

The Anatomy and Physiology of Fitness

Fitness and sports take up a big chunk of my seventeen year old life. As a college bound student athlete, going to the gym and practicing my sport are important to me. What fascinates me the most is how my body works together to allow me to execute. The anatomy and physiology of the human body is absolutely amazing; our bodies have over 650 muscles and 206 bones, attached by ligaments, tendons and protected by cartilage. All of these parts work in unison to allow our bodies to do millions of things, and my passion for learning about the human body is shown through this project, using Adobe Illustrator.


This first piece is a page that consists of strictly fills in black, grey, and white tones. The focal point of the theme is the three runners in the middle. The original picture, that is now a silhouette in the middle of the page, was the progression from the skeletal system, the muscular and skeletal systems together, and finally the entire human body with all systems in tact. I thought adding the mosaic tile fill in the background would help to move the viewer's eye across the page. The smaller runners in the camo-like pattern and their shadows were a last minute add-in; I felt that the silhouettes alone were not enough to make the piece interesting, so I decided to take the actual picture and add a fill to it, with a shadow for depth. My inspiration for this piece is the unity of the body; the bones depend on the muscles and the muscles depend on the bone in order to work properly. All of the systems are needed to move, and shown in the piece is running. Since running is my least favorite exercise, the smaller runners are camouflage since I believe anyone who has a passion for running is a true trooper.
You go girl.

This second piece was my favorite piece to craft, since it involves color. Working in black and white for a majority of the project was not as entertaining, but with color the possibilities are endless. My original idea was to show the progression, once again, of the skeletal system, to the muscular system, to the whole body. The last picture has a similar emphasis to this one, with the idea that the body is a system with many parts that allow us to move. However, in this picture it shows the individual parts and shown at the bottom is the parts all working together. My focal point of the image is the woman flexing in the dead center, she is larger than the other images which makes her stand out. This image relates to my theme, The Anatomy and Physiology of Fitness, because it shows the anatomy, "What is it?" and the physiology, "What does it do?" as well as the fitness aspect.

The focus of the third page is split between the bottom half with the woman leg pressing and motivational quote, and the top with the lines drawing attention to the dumbbells where the lines intersect. This is the fitness focused page, since it only includes fitness equipment and working out as the theme. My main goal was to make an interesting picture with image tracing and lines that followed my theme. This page was the simplest page for me to make because I duplicated and image traced weight room equipment and added lines of various opacities and thicknesses that overlap.

 Finally this last piece was creatively, the most challenging piece to make. How can I illustrate the anatomy and physiology of fitness through patterns? Well, I decided to take photos of muscular and skeletal tissues under a microscope and collage them together to make an abstract pattern. To give it some depth I took the image and made it larger and more opaque as it gets farther away, and more focused and smaller when it gets to the front. To give some kind of hint as to what it is the viewer, I assed an image trace of the human skeleton and muscular systems, hoping to give the viewer some clue. This was the most difficult and unclear piece of my collection.

This is the front view of the book fully assembled. I wanted to keep a clear and simple cover to compliment the complexity of my piece.

This is the inside of the book, fully assembled. I wanted to break up the black and white scale, by putting the colored piece between them. I'm really glad how my first project came out, but I learned what TO do and what NOT TO do for next time.
